This morning I woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground. I had two thoughts - one was '&@#% snow', and the other was: "Let it snow- the calendar says it's spring anyway."
Signs of spring: The return of the swans.
They fly in every year around this time - a sure sign of spring. Cars line up along the concession road to photograph them. They make a high pitched "toot" that distinguishes them from their geese cousins and grouped together by the thousands in a barren cornfield, they sound like cicadas.
Recent hair-brained idea: Join The Knitting Guild of AmericaThe Knitting Guild of America and attempt the Master Handknitting Program. I was just going to purchase Level One of the Master Program when my eye wandered over to the fine print in the course descriptions. It was gently suggested to first complete the "Basics, Basics, Basics" course. I smugly hit the 'check out' button and waited for my first lesson to arrive.
By the time my first lesson was returned to me, I quickly realized that this path I'm on is going to be challenging! The course instructor was kindly but firm about two things: my blocking technique and my tension. I'm on my Lesson 2 swatches and I've never stressed so much - even more than I usually obsess over swatching.
I've been thinking about being warm lately so I've been cooking tropical foods for dinners theses days. The latest was the all-time Cuban comfort food favorite, picadillo. Per usual - I didn't take a photo, but trust me to high-jack one from somewhere on the web.
Thanks for reading! It's Tuesday so Milo and I are off to Woodingford for our weekly visit.