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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I WIll Have a Bust in the (Flycatcher) Hall of Fame

Last Saturday while relaxing on the deck of the cottage, I caught sight of something small flailing about in the water. Several seagulls tried to attack it, whatever it was.
A closer look revealed a tiny bird had gone in the drink - probably after skimming the surface for bugs. Luckily the little thing had enough sense to flap over to the floating dock where I could scoop him up. The result? I think I have a friend for life in the bird world.
He snuggled up in the hood of my sweatshirt and nestled there for about forty-five minutes to dry and warm up. For a while it looked as if he had no intention of ever leaving!
Milo probably thought he was going to be blessed with yet another "sibling".

Monday, July 8, 2013

Have you seen this horse?

He's not missing or anything. I just want you to see how awesome he is!
Thank for visiting!