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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Go Buy Some Farm Eggs!

This is the farm where I get my eggs.

I was inspired to write about eggs because of my own love affair with them -  further reinforced by the play Debbie took me to for my brithday (celebrated with aforementioned cake): To Master the Art. It was based on Julia's book, My Life in France, and paralleled the movie Julie & Julia in some places. Nevertheless,  it was just as fresh and unexpected as Julia herself.
Anyway, there was a scene where Chef Brugnard prepares an egg carefully and lovingly, extolling the infinite qualities of the humble egg. I know how he feels; each morning I carefully and lovingly make my one egg and truly savour each and every bite.
It hasn't always been so. I had been used to supermarket eggs, which now I think are flalvourless protoplasm. I now buy my eggs at this wonderful Mennonite farm down the road.

The Roadside Stand

A Familiar Scene in Our Area

Opening up that carton (recycled by many loyal egg-buyers over the year) is like the proverbial box of chocolates: I know I'm going to see every shade of 'eggshell' on the spectrum as well as shapes that definitely challenge the "egg-shaped" concept.

Their taste is so rich and deep that I've been thinking of dishes to make so I can feature them.
I'll be posting my favourite dishes that include eggs. And speaking of Julia and eggs, we must make mayonnaise! I just made a big batch this morning. Thanks to Julia slaving over all of those recipes for mayonnaise, we now have a fool-proof recipe.
If you've got Julia Child's Kitchen, go to the 'Mayonnaise' section to the directions for mayo made in a food-processor. It's heavenly.

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