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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Caps for Good Deadline Feb. 28

I've decided to jump on the bandwagon and try to make as many hats as possible before the deadline. If you care to join me, let me know! This is a good opportunity to use up spare yarn, since a baby cap takes such small yardage.
I'm snowed in today again ("Wen-DEEEEEEEEEEEEE!") so I am going to try to churn out at least one little hat.
This website has some info. Caps for Good
My craft room post was a little sparse, so I included a link to 2peas where I have some more photos.
Thanks for looking.
I'm going to search for a counter I can use to keep track of cap production - yours, included!
Thanks for reading.

My Organized Scraproom
I have lots more pictures at the above link, and go into a little more detail.

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