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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Halloween Ribbon Wreath

You can find out how to make it here. Let me add, I appreciate this nice lady sharing her time and talent!
It was lots of fun to make and I had enough ribbon left over to make one for my SIL/dogsitter, Joyce.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cascade's two-button flared cardigan

Warning, Will Robinson!
This is a beautiful design that has  many flaws in the pattern instructions. I did a search on Ravelry and found that others have had the same problem, so it's not just my inability to read and count. I'm bummed. I started this dog three times, and three times I frogged it, the last for good. So now I'm making  little booties in camo-yarn for my new little friend, Ayden Hough, who was born into a family of camo-wearers.

Friday, October 1, 2010

What I do instead of writing

I knit and bake. Non secret.
I go to the library.
I order obscure titles off of Alibris.
I take photos of my pets.
I exploit my pets by doing insulting parodies of famous mommy-blogs.