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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

It feels like spring!

I love these dairyland pint-sized milk bottles - but you've got to hunt for them!
And today I celebrated the sunshine and double-digits and went antiquing in an old factory for two hours! I came across these wonderful old pint milk bottles and bought as many as I could find - six in all. So when I'm doing my milk-and-cookies party next Christmas, we'll have milk served in these cool little bottles. Now I have a raison d'etre for antiquing!
I can think of a million things to use these bottles for other than milk and cookies. I have to admit I high-jacked the milk bottle idea from a wildly popular blogger. I have to tell you, Kelle - get back to Michigan, do some antiquing and get you some real milk bottles for your next kittles party!
Intervention Kitty says too much knitting, not enough noms.
I've also been knitting a bunch - but Intervention Kitty was on the job and occasionally production is halted until further notice.
Thanks for reading - I may be off to do something worthwhile - but then again, maybe not.


  1. Love the milk bottles! I have yet to find good antique shops in Florida, but I've heard there are good ones a couple hours out. You're right--Michigan antiquing calls. Cute kitty!

  2. Oh awesome score! When we lived in Spain on the island of Majorca, we had a little man named Miguel who came around in a donkey drawn cart delivering fresh milk, homemade bread and butter! I know it was hundreds of years ago! LOL (1960) I was 6 yrs. old and I would run out so I could pet the donkey:)

  3. The point of that story was to say that those bottles look like what our milk was delivered in.:)
